McConnell's Concrete Finishing and HC Redi-Mix. They were right there - early! They were sure, quick, efficient, and friendly. And unlike some people that I won't mention, they didn't crush all my plants or back over anything. They didn't back into my trees and rip the bark. They didn't drive into the forms and cause a delay while they were reset. They didn't jerk me around on price. And they didn't mind if I dipped in the donut box ;)

So now I've got a coat of sealant on the concrete, waiting for Saturday and a large pile of lumber so I can begin framing... I'm hoping to have walls up by Sunday suppertime... A roof up in 2 weeks... Dry by July... I wish I had more than evenings and weekends, sometimes...

Meet The Peepers
Back row, left to right:
Dot and Dash (The Morse Sisters) and Cogburn (Reuben)
Front row:
Saffron and Cinnamon (the Hippy Chicks)

I know you're not supposed to name your food, but the hopes are that these few will be making eggs all winter and not make the trip to the freezer and 'The Big Sleep'... Maybe a new brood in the spring, even. (Seed chickens...) They'll have their own room on the side of the boiler house, a window, and a straw box each. Maybe name plates or personalized quilts, I dunno... I hope they don't want the room painted 'Eggshell'...
Meet The Pellets
Yep - getting there... 3 kilos last night before I gummed up the mix again... In the meantime I'm building a sifter/mixer and collecting parts for a three-pass chip dryer. I'll have pics of that as it gets working.

Long day - gonna go clean my framing hammer and dust out my nail bags before bed... I need to sharpen a couple of pencils, too... (yawn) Not enough hours in the day, anymore...
~Remember to live while you live~
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