I left off at sheathing the gables and putting in the lookouts - here's what I did on the 3rd and today...
Sheathed the last walls, added eave boards...

Closed up the corners, added more eave boards...

Overframed the roof of The Banty Shanty onto the main roof...

Gable boards on and start decking the roof...

Main gable boards on...

Roof corners cleaned and ready for more decking...

This side halfway decked off... Another episode of Turtle watch ongoing...

Half decked (other side as well)...

[INSERT 4TH OF JULY HERE] Yeah, I took the day off... Mostly...
This morning before 11 - decking complete (both sides)...

Labels for the inspector to read (I can only imagine the commentary...)

Inside the roof trusses...

Roof with eave and gable flashing in place...

First course - Grace Ice & Water shield. Imagine putting a bumper sticker on your car. Now imagine that sticker 3 feet wide and 14 feet long, sticky enough that it could be used to stop continental drift, and the wind is starting to blow it around while you're walking on it trying to get it lined up to the edge of the roof without falling off... There was cursing...

After the shield, the tarpaper was welcomed like an old friend - one that might give you cancer if handled enough - or asbestosis... An old friend that made your hastily eaten sandwich taste like you just licked a hot tire...

And looking as grumpy as possible, I can only imagine what the inspector will say this time...
Must be something in her food...

We can't all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.
~Will Rogers
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