And rain and rain and rain...
So far these last 2 weeks, during and between drizzles (though now it's not raining) :
Dug a 3 foot deep trench across the yard from building to building.
I can plug in a radio! Oh yeah, and lights, and power for tools...
Got the water tank and dragged it in. (Greer Tank & Welding, Inc. modified one of their poly tanks for me - it lays on its side with its bottom to the wall...) Built a crib around it to secure it to the wall, built a pump stand at the end to mount the well pump and pressure tank - added in the pickup tube and water filter, water heater, fire suppression pressure tank, make-up water line, and stub-outs to the Studio side... (Pictures to follow)
Hooked together the fire suppression system in the boiler...
Picked up about 80 pounds of pipe and fittings, circulating pump, and zone valves to build the distribution manifolds...
Finally located the last piece of the chimney that I needed and installed it...
Got 2 trailer loads of sawdust for the mill for when I get it running.
Hung out with the peeps...
Remember the two from the first post? (Click)
They're all grown up and doing proper chicken things now...
Pretty soon I expect to be a granpa (granpeep?)
I'm sure I'll have more things done this coming weekend - pipes through the walls, manifolds built, glycol sloshing, water gurgling, messes to clean up... The usual... More pictures as I get them and as I get things done... The witty commentary may be put on hold indefinitely...
Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.
I think it's in my basement... let me go upstairs and check.
~M. C. Escher
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