Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Step 12c - A little more math...

One month! The boiler has been on for one month today and has used (as of last filling) 47 bags of pellets.

47 bags in 30 days is 1.5666 bags per day.
47 bags x 2.4 gallons per bag = 112.8 gallons oil equivalent (g.e.) per 30 days.
112.8 g.e. / 30 days = 3.76 g.e. per day.

That heats the house (1,776 SF), the boiler house and 'Studio' (600 SF), the Banty Shanty (64 SF) AND heats the wash water - that's 2,240 SF and plenty of tub time...

In order for it to work at capacity and thus at its most efficient there still needs to be another zone (about 800 SF or so) to make up the load. In the non-heating season the pellet boiler will be off, so it looks like there will only be winter hot-tubbing :) Ehh, OK, if I have to...

Catch you next time~

Never worry about theory as long as the machinery does what it's supposed to do.
~Robert A. Heinlein - Waldo & Magic, Inc.

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